These Easy Homemade Candy Apples are a great Fall or Halloween treat. They are one of my favorite ways to eat apples!

The countdown is onto one of my favorite holidays! HALLOWEEN! These Easy Homemade Candy Apples have been made, just about every year, since I was a little kid! With the abundance of apples that are around this time of year, this is an easy and delicious treat to make. Your kids will love them! Adults too!

The History of the Candy Apple
Did you know that candy apples were originally displayed at Christmas? In 1908, candy maker William W. Kolb invented the first candy apple in Newark, New Jersey. He had been experimenting with red cinnamon candy to sell in his store around Christmastime. He decided that he would dip apples on sticks into the red candy and display these creations in his front window to entice people to come into his store. However, instead of selling his red cinnamon candy, the customers ended up buying the candy apples because they looked so good. Good enough to eat!
Kolb realized that his accidental invention could become epic and began churning them out. They quickly became a favorite treat at circuses and on the Jersey Shore. In addition, in the early 1900s through about the 1970s candy apples became a go-to treat to give out to trick-or-treaters during Halloween. However, due to myths about needles and razor blades being hidden in the apples, it soon lost its popularity and was no longer given out. Luckily for us, it still remains a popular treat, often found on Halloween treat tables!

What are the best apples to use for candy apples?
Personally, I like to use apples that are firm and tart. My top three include: Macoun, Empire and Granny Smith. If you like the contrast of a green apple dipped in the red coated candy, then use the Granny Smith apples. If not use one of the red apples.
Tools that you will need to make candy apples
- Parchment paper: for easy removal of the candy apples.
- Baking spray with flour or butter: to spray/grease the parchment paper.
- Lollipop sticks or popsicle sticks: for holding the apples.
- Candy thermometer: to measure temperature and get to the hard crack stage. Hard cracked stage occurs at 295-310 degrees.
- Red food coloring: to get that deep, bright, red color.
Easy Homemade Candy Apples-Ingredients
Apples, light Karo syrup, sugar, cinnamon, water, lollipop sticks, popsicle sticks, candy thermometer, food coloring and red cinnamon candies.

- Wash and dry apples.
- Poke the lollipop sticks or popsicle sticks into the center of the apple.

- Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Spray with baking spray with flour or grease with butter.
- Add sugar and cinnamon to a small bowl and whisk together.
- Pour into a medium saucepan. Add water and Karo syrup and stir together.

- Over medium-high heat, bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.

- Once boiling, add cinnamon candies and 5-10 drops of food coloring to get a bright red color.

- Continue to boil over medium heat until the candy thermometer reaches 295-310 degrees, that is the hard cracked stage. This takes about 10-15 minutes.

- Remove the pan from the heat and quickly dip the apples, one at a time. Turn in a circular motion to coat completely. Allow the candy to drip for about 5-10 seconds over the pan.

- Place the apples onto the prepared parchment paper. Let set.

- Move to the refrigerator and store for up to 3 days.
- Enjoy!
For additional fall and Halloween treats try my:
Frankenstein Rice Krispie Treats

Easy Candy Apples
- Candy Thermometer
- Parchment paper
- Medium sized saucepan
- lollipop sticks or popsicle sticks
- 2 1/2 cups sugar
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 6 tbsp water
- 10 tbsp light Karo syrup
- 2 jars cinnamon candies or red hots about 4-5 oz
- 5-10 drops red food coloring
- 10 apples small-medium sized
- Wash and dry apples.
- Poke the lollipop sticks or popsicle sticks into the center of the apple.
- Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Spray with baking spray with flour or grease with butter.
- Add sugar and cinnamon to a small bowl and whisk together.
- Pour into a medium saucepan. Add water and karo syrup and stir together.
- Over medium-high heat, bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.
- Once boiling, add cinnamon candies and 5-10 drops of food coloring to get a bright, red color.
- Continue to boil over medium heat until the candy thermometer reaches 295-310 degrees, that is the hard cracked stage. This takes about 10-15 minutes.
- Remove the pan from the heat and quickly dip the apples, one at a time. Turn in a circular motion to coat completely. Allow the candy to drip for about 5-10 seconds over the pan.
- Place the apples onto the prepared parchment paper. Let set.
- Move to the refrigerator and store for up to 3 days.
- Enjoy!

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