This Simple Grilled Salmon is fresh and light. So easy, healthy and delicious. A must try for a nice summer meal.

When summer hits we love to grill salmon, there is something about the simplicity and freshness. Paired with fresh summer vegetables and wow, you have one great dinner! Something the whole family will love and it’s simple to make and healthy too.
What salmon to choose? Well, if you like a milder fish, then go for the farm raised salmon. Farm raised salmon has a higher fat content is a little more buttery in texture. I personally like wild caught salmon, a littler stronger flavor and a bit lower fat content, since the salmon has to work for its food. Either way you can’t go wrong. Plan on 6-8 oz per person.
Salmon Facts
Salmon is a reddish/orange, firm, fish. It is one of the most popular choices for fish in America. It has a rich buttery flavor and melts in your mouth. There are many wild varieties including, coho, sockeye, king, and pink. The most widely available is the Atlantic farm raised.
All are low in saturated fats and are a great source of protein, vitamin B12, potassium, iron and vitamin D. However, the best benefit is the omega-3 fatty acids. These are “essential” fatty acids that you can’t make, but helps lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Grilling Tips
For this recipe you can use either a charcoal grill or gas grill. I have used both and while the charcoal grill does add a little more flavor, the gas grill can be a big time saver. Both methods produce great and delicious results, so use what you have or like best.
Set up for cooking on direct heat in the medium-high range of 450-500 degrees. Make sure you clean your grates with a brush, this helps prevent sticking. Also, be sure to drizzle the fish with olive oil or grape seed oil, as this also helps to prevent sticking.
If you are really afraid of sticking and/or flipping resulting in your fish falling apart, place the fish on a small piece of tin foil and cook on one side the entire time. With this method, you just need to be careful and pull the salmon off the grill when it hits 125 degrees in the center. The skin will stick to the tin foil and you can slide a spatula right along the skin to remove the salmon.
Simple Grilled Salmon Ingredients
- 4 6-8oz pieces of salmon (about 2 pounds)
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp pepper
- 1/2 piece lemon
- 2 tbsp olive oil
Simple Grilled Salmon Instructions
- Liberally salt and pepper each piece of salmon.
- Squeeze lemon juice on each piece.
- Drizzle with olive oil.
- Place on grill heated to 450-500 degrees.
- Cook for 8 minutes. Flip salmon and cook another 7 minutes.
- Once internal temperature hits 125-130 degrees, remove from grill and serve immediately.
- Enjoy!

For great sides to go with this dish try:
Green Beans with Shallot and Lemon
Easy Summer Corn Caprese Salad

Simple Grilled Salmon
- Grill
- 4 6-8oz pieces of salmon about 2 pounds
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp pepper
- 1/2 piece lemon
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- Liberally salt and pepper each piece of salmon.
- Squeeze lemon juice on each piece.
- Drizzle with olive oil.
- Place on grill heated to 450-500 degrees.
- Cook for 8 minutes. Flip salmon and cook another 7 minutes.
- Once internal temperature hits 125-130 degrees, remove from grill and serve immediately.
- Enjoy!

I have Salmon once or twice a month, I bake it at home in the Winter but order it Grilled if I go out. In the Summer its always Grilled. LOVE IT!